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Customized Solutions for Projects of All Types and Sizes

Project management for concerts, festivals, sports events, or construction projects can be complex and crucial to successful execution. Elaborate productions with high-security requirements are now standard in international concert touring, often involving months or even years of planning.

Customized Solutions

No matter how planning-intensive your project is, we support you in bringing your ideas and vision to life. With over 25 years of experience, we offer tailor-made solutions for events of any kind and size. Count on our expertise to help you make your project a success.


Do you have special requirements for your event? No problem. Our team has got for all your needs the right solution.


Effective project management begins long before the event. At eps, we provide support from the initial idea to obtaining approvals from authorities. We work with you to confirm service providers and offerings, create schedules and personnel plans, establish set-up and dismantle procedures, and develop an overall strategy.

Monitoring, Analysis, and Improvement

After the event, we handle the dismantling process and conduct a debriefing to capture insights and feedback. We compare and analyze financial performance against the budget and other performance indicators. A critical review is crucial to continuously improve future events, making them even better, more attractive, and more successful.


Successful project management requires precise time and personnel plans for happy and motivated employees


Professional CAD drawings are the foundation of event planning and project management. They serve as a template for budgeting, define audience capacities and material requirements, and determine personnel requirements and schedules.

Permits and safety

CAD drawings visually depict the legal framework and safety aspects of your event. They are crucial for obtaining permits for every event, and eps will provide full support throughout the process. Our in-house architects create comprehensive CAD plans and can also handle your entire approval process.


Throughout all phases of your event or project, we consider occupational safety aspects and country-specific requirements and regulations. Our experts will be by your side, providing advice and support from the first to the last step.

Uncompromising Quality Standards

Benefit from our global network of trusted partners, extensive experience, and expertise, as we maintain the highest standards of quality. Our comprehensive range of services is at your disposal, and we are available to provide expert advice on all aspects of your event and project management, no matter where you are in the world.