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Stand out from the crowd: custom-fit event equipment

Making all types of festivals unique is what we see as our task. Moreover, multi-day events are a dime a dozen. However, every grain of sand looks different. Therefore, we help make sure everyone sees it.
Whether it’s street festivals, street food festivals, music festivals, or other cultural festivals, every festival needs its own identity to make it stand out.

Flexibility and a wide range of design options

Therefore, we offer necessary materials, such as barriers, ground and lawn protection. Moreover, we specialize in flawlessly adapting the infrastructure to various occasions, festival locations, and individual wishes. Just like our mobile equipment, we promise special flexibility and a wide range of design options.



Is it about live music or literature? Culinary exchange or good coffee? Are film, theater, or ballet premieres, anniversaries, or commemorative days of political significance on the agenda? There are many themes and occasions in the festival landscape. Moreover, every theme and genre needs suitable garb. This goes for everything from the flower power flair of a hippie festival to a club atmosphere with electro beats in the open air.

The connection between occasion and venue

Ideally, the event and the venue are closely linked. Therefore, festival equipment is directly related to both components to optimally complement both. Moreover, we offer customized infrastructure for festivals of all kinds.

Contribute to safety and satisfaction

Similarly, we organize tents or other mobile space systems, provide stable and non-slip parking spaces for food trucks. Moreover, we take care of additional seating for opera festivals in amphitheaters.
Space-saving standing stands create relaxed conditions in city centers. These offer the best view of carnival processions and parades.

Stable barrier and admission systems, resilient floor and turf protection solutions, high-performance lighting, and mobile sanitary facilities – all contribute to safety and satisfaction.


Every festival needs an individual scenery. Therefore, we implement ideas and create a unique, distinctive world for each event. This helps it stand out from the competition.

Several events at the music festival site

There are so many types of festivals. In the music festival sector alone, there are numerous boundaries. However, they differ mainly in the genre. The list is long: Pop-rock, classical music, jazz, and heavy metal festivals. Moreover, there are versatile line-ups that focus on mixed musical genres.

The festival size is also relevant

Sometimes, it’s big events with well-known live acts, up-and-coming newcomers, and star DJs. Sometimes, it’s small festivals with lesser-known artists. Are you expecting a few hundred or ten thousand guests? Therefore, the festival size is also relevant for the selection of event equipment.


Are you having an open-air or indoor festival, summer festival on the beach, or winter festival in the snow? Local characteristics and seasons are factors that influence the festival’s character. Moreover, these play an important role in the equipment and organization.

Providing optimal care for guests, artists, and crew

We can handle district festivals, international street food festivals on a market place or top-class gigs in an idyllic forest area. Our extensive range of products puts us in the fortunate position to optimally supply guests, artists, and helpers during the festive days.

Construction fences, barriers, police barriers, and our pressure-resistant GIGS barricades offer flexible set-up options. Moreover, these help secure festival grounds and individual areas. Similarly, our solid entry gates allow for controlled entry and exit and more.

Chairs and bleachers for comfortable seating

Comfortable folding chairs, such as the Big Boy or Samsonite A, and appropriately equipped grandstands guarantee pleasant seating comfort everywhere. Comfort and safety are ensured by production vehicles, cable bridges, printed banners and flags, and the light-intensive Hydro Power Cube or our flagpole with Powermoon®.

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With all this in mind, environmental awareness is increasingly growing. It is also completely independent of the individual festival types. Ground and turf protection systems, such as our Arena Panels, Remopla, or eps Pro, protect natural areas worthy of protection.

Depending on the nature of the ground and the type of load, the various systems can be ideal for creating pedestrian-friendly walkways. Moreover, these offer transport routes suitable for heavy loads and stable substructures for stage constructions and other temporary structures or temporary parking areas.

Water-saving showers and drinking water stations

We make many of these ground covers from recycled, recyclable materials. Moreover, our offerings include water-saving showers and drinking water stations. These allow you to refill bottles you bring with you.

Get the best out of all kinds of festivals

In addition to our comprehensive rental equipment, we also assist with various services such as CAD drawings, transportation, set-up, and tear-down, or final clean-up as needed. We enjoy our work. Professionalism and fun go hand in hand for us. Only in this way can we together get the best out of all kinds of festivals.